Extend Product Protection
Redline360.com is proud to offer Product Protection Plans from an independent third-party, Extend, Inc. Product Protection Plan agreements are directly between Extend, Inc. and the purchaser. Redline360.com and all affiliates are merely sellers without Product Protection Plan obligation. Any manufacturer’s warranty remains effective in addition to Extend, Inc. Protection Plans
Can you tell me more about the Extend Program?
What's covered?
Great news! Many of the products on our site are eligible for product protection from Extend. Extend plans cover your product above and beyond the manufacturer's warranty. Extend covers your product from defects and breakdowns caused by normal wear and tear or product defects. This plan does not cover any accidental product damage caused by abuse, misuse or accidents.
What does coverage start?
Extend coverage starts as soon as the manufacturer's warranty expires and lasts for the number of years you purchased. For example, if you buy a 3 year extended protection plan, and the manufacturer's warranty is 1 year, then you purchased 3 years of protection after 1 year, so your product is now covered for 4 years (1 year of manufacturer warranty plus 3 years of additional protection).
How do I file a claim?
The Extend team is always ready to help and answer any questions. Since Extend is a service outside of Redline360, you would need to contact Extend directly through their online portal here: https://customers.extend.com/claims
You can also reach Extend by phone at 877-248-7707.
If my claim is approved, how will my claim be paid?
If approved by Extend, you will be issued a Redline360 gift card for the original purchase price of the item. You can use that gift card to shop on shop.redline360.com to purchase a replacement part. Please note, original purchase price may vary from the current price.
How can I tell if the part I would like to purchase is eligible for an Extend protection plan?
Visit shop.redline360.com and view the product page and details. All eligible parts will include details on any available Extend protection plans.
Am I able to purchase an Extend protection plan on an item that I have already purchased?
Yes! Simply email us! You will need to have your original sale information along with the part number(s) for the eligible protection plan. The Extend protection plan must be purchased before the manufacturer's warranty expires.
Am I able to cancel my Extend protection plan?
Yes. If you decide you do not want to continue with the Extend protection plan, you can cancel for a full refund within the original manufacturer's warranty period. Plans can also be cancelled after the Extend protection plan has started but the refund amount will be pro-rated. To cancel please call 877-248-7707
Can I transfer the extend warranty to a new buyer?
Yes! If you sold your item and it's still covered under the Extend Product Protection Plan, you can easily transfer the protection to the new buyer. Please reach out to warrantyops@extend.com and Extend will ask you a few questions required to transfer the ownership of the contract.